Python to C++

Official Python bindings with a focus on reinforcement learning and robotics.
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Python to C++

Post by brent »

I installed pybullet using venv ( - and all is working great.

I'm rather lost in the world of python and c++ - so any pointers on the below questions would be much appreciated.

I'm considering trying to build

From the root of the venv folder I found gym/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ Am I correct in thinking I am going to be building the equivalent of this executable?
What steps are involved in calling from Python to the correct external binary executable? How does `import pybullet as p` resolve to  gym/lib/python3.7/site-packages/

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Joined: Tue May 05, 2020 4:01 pm

Re: Python to C++

Post by brent »

I got some useful info on SO ... pendencies

In short words: C-python just looks for correctly named dynamic libraries in PYTHONPATH, loads such library and uses predefined interface to understand what exactly from this library shall be visible as contents of the module inside Python.

In long words details of how to prepare such shared object and what are required contents of it are described in

So venv just puts dynamic library in directory which is part of PYTHONPATH of virtual environment.

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