Modifying existing MultiBody

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Modifying existing MultiBody

Post by vadimus »

I'm looking for a way to modify a body created loadURDF - for example, add extra links to it. Is there a way to do it?

createMultiBody doesn't seem to have parameters for "parent body" and always creates everything from scratch.

Update: Since posting this I've found urdfEditor and combineUrdf example. However, urdfEditor ignores link limits. I think I have a working fix though, can provide PR/diff if anyone is interested.

Update2: roundtrip the model though urdfEditor (loadURDF followed by saveUrdf) and inverse kinematics ends up broken, giving out the following message, while it works fine on the original URDF.

b3Printf: Calculate Inverse Kinematics Request failed
b3Printf: b3Warning[examples/SharedMemory/PhysicsClientSharedMemory.cpp,1126]:.